“Mad Max: Fury Road” has some of the densest and impressive production design of any film. The breakneck pace of the film means that all that work flies by in a guzzoline-fueled flash. If you’d like to take a more leisurely stroll through the world then “The Art of Mad Max: Fury Road” will be a welcome addition to your bookshelf.

The design of “The Art of Mad Max: Fury Road” is luxurious. The book is a thick hardcover, with a landscape format, beautiful printing on quality paper. It’s one of the best looking “Art of…” books out there.
Writer, Abbie Bernstein has done an excellent job of compiling insight and interviews with the creators of the film. There are quotes from production designers, storyboard artists, actors and VFX supervisors. The book includes a foreword by director George Miller and an afterward by the film’s writer Brendan McCarthy.
For an art book, there is an abundance of text that breaks down the design process and thoughts that went into the production. In fact, the access that Abbie Bernstein had to the art, photos and creators of “Mad Max: Fury Road” is extraordinary.
The chapters are separated by scenes, characters and vehicles. Subjects are covered using a combination of art, photos and articles.
The book is filled with production stills, behind the scenes photos and set photos. The photography is beautiful, but there’s too many photos to please people who are solely looking for a book on movie art. This book is half “movie companion” and half art book.
This book is full of character design sketches, storyboards, production paintings, maps and set illustrations. I would have liked to see more character evolution and concept sketches though.
Photos tend to be emphasized in the layout of the book and it could have been improved by focusing more on art. Given how long the pre-production was on “Mad Max: Fury Road” I’m certain there is a ton of art that was left out of this book in favor of photos.
If you are a fan of “Mad Mad: Fury Road” and can’t get enough of the film then this book is a top-notch behind-the-scenes companion. It’s beautifully produced, full of quality information and gives you a detailed look at the film through art and photos. It’s going to look great on your coffee table too.
“Art of…” purists are going to be upset at the ratio of photos to production art.
When you consider how important the visual elements were to the film, the lengthy pre-production time and the size of the book, it’s a shame that more art didn’t make it to the final cut.
“The Art of Mad Max: Fury Road” is 176 pages, printed by Titan Books and available now through your local bookstore, online retailers, or through the publisher below.